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Wedding Party
A message from us

It is hard to believe that Liam would ever be at a loss for words with his gift of the gab and growing up so close to the Blarney Stone!  And as much as we (he) had talked about "when we get married", we had never actually talked about getting married... we were happy.... what's being married going to change, really!?

So, although the proposal was 'expected' someday, it was a complete surprise when it happened.

It went like this;

The day before Valentine's Day, we'd had a nice dinner, I'd gotten the card and flowers and we drank some bubbly... I actually reminded Liam that it wasn't Valentine's Day - that it was tomorrow so, with the feast behind us, a day ahead, I really wasn't entertaining the idea of a proposal coming anytime soon.

Valentine's Day was just another day - sure he got his card and candy and kisses and we went on about our day, had dinner and got ready for bed.... just another night - our favourite foods, some adult bevies and then it was time for bed!

I finished up the dishes while Liam went upstairs to get ready for bed.  By the time I got upstairs, he was comfortably settled in on his side of the bed - nothing unusual..... although he was awake!!  Which, is always a hit or miss!! lol

I get into bed, put my arm under my pillow, otherwise known as 'assuming my sleeping position', and there it was, a little box with the words "Will you?  Just Asking!" written on the lid of the box. 

Here's the thing, I don't go to bed with my glasses on so, I asked Liam to read the message on the box TO me.... he wouldn't so, I jumped out of bed, put my glasses on, read the inscriptions and STILL made him ask!! 

YEP, I made him roll over on his side and ask what I'd been waiting to hear and being who he is, he humoured me, just as I knew he would he said, 'Tracey Lynn, will you marry me'  and, well, you know the rest of the story!

As I have come to learn, that little box spent ALL DAY under my pillow - that was just how excited (and nervous) he was and although it wasn't until bedtime, maybe not quite how he had planned it, it was memorable and sweet and very romantic and so very Liam.

 So, I guess, aside from the proposal and all the kind, quirky, generous and sweet things he's done for me and so many, for all these years, what I'm saying is.... dont' let that tough exterior fool you!  He's like a young bride and truly becoming MY bridezillaman and I love him and I love it!  He's real and we know yes was the only right answer!

Meaning of the name Liam
Strong-willed warrior and protector.

And so our adventure begins and I couldn't be more thankful to have a man as dedicated, hardworking, thoughtful, adventurous and protective by my side, for the rest of our days - he's my guy and, we can't wait!


Perfect?  No

Perfect for me? You know it


We know we are blessed and can't wait to begin the next chapter, at last!!